Referat - The Romanian Climate

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the, romanian, climate
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Romania is situated in Central Europe, in the northern part of the Balkan peninsula and its territory is marked by the Carpathian Mountains, the Danube and the Black Sea. Climatic conditions are somewhat modified by the country's varied relief. Romania lies between 43º 37 ‘ 07“ and 48º 15 ‘ 06“ Latitude North and 20 º 15 ‘ 44“ and 29 º 41 ‘ 24“ Longitude East. Parallel 45 º Latitude North (midway between the Equator and the North Pole) crosses Romania 70 km north of its capital and meridian 25º Longitude East (midway between the Atlantic coast and the Urals) runs 90 km west of Bucharest. The climate of Romania is a mild with four seasons clearly distinguished.
Romanian's climate is temperate

Because of its position on the southeastern region of the European continent and the very changeable configuration of the baric field makes the territory of Romania accessible to a very large scale of air masses, adding to the climate the transition character:
oceanic influences to the west and center of the country
continental influences from north with frosty winters and less rain, to the south and southeast
in the extreme southeast, Mediterranean influences offer a milder, maritime climate
The continental character of the Romanian climate, with an important range of temperature both in the diurnal and in the annual cycles, is related to the country position on the continent (at 2 000 km from the Atlantic Ocean, at 1 000 km from the Baltic Sea, and at 400 km from the Adriatic Sea) and also to the shield effect of the mountains.
The average yearly temperature is 8 - 110 C in the agricultural area and decreases to -20 C on the summit of the Carphatians. The frost-free period varies from 200 - 240 to 100 - 120 days.
In the agricultural area average precipitation varies between 400 and 800 mm/year, while in the mountain area precipitation rises to over 1200 mm/year.
The extension of the territory over almost 50 in latitude leads to quite important diffe

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