Referat - Test

Referate Engleza
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Fill in the blanks with “take you down”, “take me in”, take him for”, “takes after”, “take over”, “take him to”, “take up”, take off” – Completati spatiile goale cu constructia potrivita (“take + particula”)

Clean up the desk and take away all the dirty papers. / Don’t be so shy; don’t let everybody take over. / This child takes after his mother. / John is in a hurry, please take him to the station. / Do you want to take over the study of ancient ships?/ Take off your pullover, it’s hot in here. / I have no place to stay, please take me in./ He will take over his uncle’s firm./ Who do you take over?/ The plane will take off in an hour.

Translate into Romanian, paying attention to the meanings of the verb “to mind” – Traduceti in limba romana; fiti atenti la intelesurile verbului “to mind”:

Don’t mind the money, buy the house, it’s wonderful.
Nu tine cont de bani, cumpara casa, este minunata!
Would you mind opening the window, it’s hot in here.
Te-ar deranja daca ai deschide fereastra? E cald inauntru.
Mind my words: she will lose her fortune in a year.
Tine minte cuvintele mele : ea isi va pierde averea intr-un an.
Have another glass of wine. Thanks, I don’t mind.
Mai bea un pahar de vin. Multumesc, dar nu mai vreau.
If you don’t mind your own business, you will be sorry.
Daca nu iti vezi de treaba ta, o sa-ti para rau!
Please mind the children while I go shopping.
Te rog supravegheaza copiii pana merg la cumparaturi.

Build up ten sentences with set phrases containing “good” and “bad” ( Construiti zece propozitii cu expresii continand “good” si “bad”)

The job turned out to be really boring. I knew it was too good to be true.
I’m leaving for good this time!
Where is that good-for-nothing husband of mine?
The exterior of the building has been restored and it now looks as good as good.
I’m applying for a job in your office. Could you put in a good word for me with your boss?
I have worked with her in the past and I’m telling you she

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