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The Christmas Story

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 397 afisari 290 descarcari

The Christmas Story And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was ...VEZI REFERAT

The great Pyramids of Giza

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 476 afisari 347 descarcari

The great Pyramids of Giza Situated west of the Nile, bordering the Sahara Desert, the Giza plateau rises up in its glory to present its full authority. It is here that an ancient King coordinat ...VEZI REFERAT

The Hobbit

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 339 afisari 232 descarcari

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien The Hobbit Chapter 1 An Unexpected Party In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell ...VEZI REFERAT

The Japanese Giant Salamander

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 328 afisari 241 descarcari

The Japanese Giant Salamander The Giant Salamanders, the largest living amphibians, belong to family Cryptobranchoidea (interesting name, isn’t it?). In spite of this giant salamanders are signifi ...VEZI REFERAT

The Lipscani area

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 313 afisari 236 descarcari

Tutuianu Marinica-Daniel The Lipscani area The Lipscani area is a lively part of old Bucharest which polarized various trades between the 15th-18th centuries. The Li ...VEZI REFERAT

The Sistine Chapel

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 349 afisari 277 descarcari

The Sistine Chapel Architecture The Sistine Chapel is rectangular and measures 40,93 meters (134,28 feet) long by 13,41 meters (44 feet) wide (the dimensions of the Temple of Solomon, as given in t ...VEZI REFERAT

The telephones parents

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 372 afisari 228 descarcari

The telephone’s parents Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872), American artist and inventor, known for his invention of the electric telegraph and the Morse code. Morse was born in Charlestown (n ...VEZI REFERAT

The Trumpet

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 342 afisari 240 descarcari

The son of a master mason, Thomas Hardy was born in Upper Bockhampton, Dorset. He was apprenticed to an architect in Dorchester when he was 16, and his mother encouraged him to go on studying. ...VEZI REFERAT

The Violence is Fake the Impact is Real

acum 4 ani Categorie: Engleza 318 afisari 216 descarcari

The Violence is Fake, the Impact is Real In “The Violence Is Fake, The Impact Is Real”, Ellen Goodman looks at the impact of television violence on children back in 1977. She criticizes the broadcas ...VEZI REFERAT

The war of independence

acum 5 ani Categorie: Engleza 442 afisari 273 descarcari

THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE - Referat Limba Engleza - Student Radulescu Octavian an II Facultatea de Litere si Istorie Sectia Istorie - Muzeologie THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE The events of ...VEZI REFERAT

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