Referat - Humor

Referate Engleza
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‘Humor’. The simple catchy noun that illustrates the ability of people, objects or situations to evoke feelings of amusement in other people, or, even easier, is the quality that makes something laughable. So therefore, it seems pretty safe to conclude that humor is used to make someone happy.
Although humor is a quality which all people share, the extent to which an individual will personally find something humorous depends on a host of absolute and relative variables. If this was untrue, everyone would find the same jokes as laughable, the same movies as comical and so forth, so each person uses the device of humor in a different manner or purpose. The trick is knowing what type of humor is being used given situation, and for what reason.
It is undeniable the fact that humor plays in important role in the world today, and in each individual’s daily life. Humor puts things together - in surprising and unexpected ways. The world around us is often a frightening place. We can read a newspaper or watch the news on TV and be overwhelmed with morbid information. We need a laugh now and then. Humor really does tend to save us when things simply aren’t going our way. Laughter is good for our health; good for our soul.
There are various types of humor like satire, witticism, parody, anecdote, self-irony and a great deal of humor is a consequence of language used to illustrate the comic.
Perhaps the essence of humor lies in the presentation of something familiar to a person, so they think they know the natural follow-on thought or conclusion, then providing a twist through presentation something different from what the audience expected, or else the natural result of interpreting the original situation in a different, less common, way. We laugh at things we don’t expect, because humor is mainly derived from the unexpected. Shocking revelations, taboo subjects and political incorrectness can, if crafted well, be quite funny because they are unexpected.

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